Blue Class
Welcome to Blue Class! Teacher Sarah Jones and School Learning Support Officer's Lizzy and Jodie love working with our little ones. Blue Class is full of bright, energetic fun little humans and there is always lots of laughter to be had.
Yellow Class
Welcome to Yellow Class! Teacher Lenny along with School Learning Support Officer Elisha just love the students of Yellow Class. Yellow Class students are a great bunch of young, vibrant and caring children who are a delight to teach.
Green Class
Welcome to Green Class! Cath is the Green Class this year along with Learning Support Officer Tracy. Green Class is an amazing bunch of beautiful kids that light up the classroom. Young and eager minds ready and willing to learn!
Red Class
Welcome to Red Class! Jeremy is the teacher for this wonderful group of students Marie is the School Learning Support for this wonderful bunch of kids. Red Class is full of of lots of characters and you will always be laughing along with them as they learn. They are enthusiastic and a great bunch of students to have around our school.
Purple Class
Welcome to Purple Class. We have Simone and Silvana on teaching duties for this wonderful bunch of students. Shannon and Vendella are our wonderful Learning Support officer's for this class and all together they make a great team. Purple Class is full of dynamic students ready and eager to learn lots of new and exciting things.